So I’ve decided I’m not going to renounce my Australian citizenship just yet. It rained this morning in Český Krumlov, completely ruining my view this was the world’s most perfect town in which to live. The rain didn’t last too long though, thank goodness.

Last night in Český Krumlov was a load of fun. After dinner I went out in search of a couple of bars in which to either meet some locals or at least some tourists. The popular place with the tourists was a bar near the river where there was one of those terrible earnest, but totally untalented female singer-songwriters, accompanied by an equally awful bloke on drums. Even though she sang in Czech, I still knew it was crap. The popular places with the locals were a number of smaller bars. I knew the Czechs liked a drink or ten, but I hadn’t noticed before the practice of cocktail waiters in taste-testing everything they made. Just a straw and a quick taste was common at two different bars I went into. At one point I saw the female cocktail waiter take a taste and then shake in that kind of way which made you know it was so full of alcohol it was probably illegal. And so after a couple of beers, I went home and hit the sack.

To be honest, I don’t really have all that much to say about the day, except that I had a lovely breakfast and lunch in Český Krumlov, I walked around the town a bit and I walked up the main tower and had a lovely view. And then I caught the bus back to Prague.

The only surprising thing was becoming unexpectedly an “expert” on public transport for a group of students from Singapore. They were asking around for advice, and kept asking non-English speaking Czechs, so I walked over and gave them the advice they needed.

Oh, and I had a really good Chinese meal tonight just a few doors down from the youth hostel. From what I can see, the place is run by a Chinese woman and her German-speaking husband. It was fascinating watching their kids swapping between Chinese and German, depending which parent they spoke to. The woman was somewhat surprised when I asked for chop-sticks and smiled encouragingly when I said “Xie xie”. The meal was excellent, by the way.

And so now I’m back at the hostel in a room by myself. I thought I’d treat myself for my final night. After several weeks of sleeping in dormitory accommodation, it’s really nice just to be able to settle back and relax in some privacy. I’m sitting here in just a pair of jocks, I’ve got the window open, I’ve got internet access and I’ve got a glass of wine. This must be what it’s like to win Friday Night Live and spend a night in the rewards room.

Cesky Krumlov
Český Krumlov
Český Krumlov

Tomorrow I’m looking forward to whatever happens to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of the Czech uprising against the Soviets, and to catching a plane to Amsterdam.

2 responses to “Český Krumlov – Night and Day”

  1. sue Avatar

    Lets hope they do the reenactment! Lovely to talk to you today

  2. James Avatar

    Either I missed the re-enactment or they didn’t do it. The tanks and soldiers were pretty good though.

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