Month: April 2009

  • Anzac Day

    The day started early for me. I set the alarm for 2.55, so I could be at work by about… READ MORE

  • Long Day

    It was a long day at work, and an early night in bed, ahead of a long day with Anzac… READ MORE

  • Life’s Rich Tapestry

    You know how the internet is full of those stupid memes? “Have you ever shoplifted?’. “Have you ever skinny-dipped?” “Have… READ MORE

  • On The Buses

    One of ABBA’s last recorded songs is a track called “The Day Before You Came”. It’s a sad, haunting piece,… READ MORE


  1. I’m so glad you have patience and a sense of humour. And I get the invisibility thing. The older I…

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