Hawkesbury One
Hawkesbury One

I experienced a couple of new, quite amazing things today.

First, a photo shoot with the Sydney Morning Herald

As part of Spectrum sometime soon, the SMH is doing a feature on art-collecting groups. As I may have mentioned previously, I’m part of a group of 10 friends and family members who each invest $2000 each year into buying art works collectively.

We’ve bought some terrific works over the last nine years, and next year we’ll be exhibiting those works at the Newcastle Regional Gallery (where half the group is based) which is very, very exciting.

Anyhoo, the SMH is doing a feature about these kind of groups, and today a group of us were invited along to a photo shoot at one of the member’s homes to be photographed with some of the works.

I’ve never been involved in such a photographic shoot before, and I was amazed, and intrigued by the way the photographer – a lovely bloke – just got on with his job. There was a seamless line between the set up and the photographic session. I was impressed with his mastery.

I doubt I’ll make the final cut, though you never know, as two of the group’s members have three lovely daughters who make far better photographic copy than a middle-aged fat bloke with glasses :)

Anyway, it was great fun.

And from there I was invited to a party at a pretty stunning apartment at Elizabeth Bay. Great views, great food, great drinks, great service.

I was slightly apprehensive as it was one of those big, more anonymous kind of parties parties. I normally like smaller, more intimate gatherings. I’m generally not “the life of the party”. I’m generally not good in large group situations.

However, I really enjoyed tonight’s party. Being there with Colin helped, as he’s much better at social situations than I am, and we ended up connecting with some really nice people.

Maybe these new experiences today is emblematic of some other changes in my life too?

I’ve been having quite vivid dreams the last few days, mostly with quite dramatic imagery contained in them.

I had one the other morning about how someone was trying to kill me. I was on a balcony and there was someone shooting at me from a helicopter. I survived.

I had another one today about being on a mountain-top with a friend. She was sucked into the snow and I rescued her.

According to all of the online analysis I’ve read, it’s my subconscious analysing the changes going on in my life at the moment.

Perhaps it’s my way of saying goodbye to a previous part of my life and hello to the next? Although if the truth is told, I’m not really sure what that means yet.

I’ve changed my job recently, I’ve been de-cluttering, I’ve been thinking deeply about what the future may hold.

I guess it’s my subconscious trying to make sense of these changes,

2 responses to “New Experiences”

  1. mscherrylane Avatar

    lol, your colin sounds like the “social easer” everybody always tells me I need.

    wow those dreams are pretty action packed. Interesting I’ve noticed despite doing through many daunting conscientious changes on a conscious level my dreams manifest more as a kind of very pleasant dreamy escape more like a rainbow brite cartoon or an inspirational poster(jumping whales etc, lol) , i guess it’s like therapeutic balance to keep me calm and relaxed :)

    1. mscherrylane Avatar

      p.s I was window shopping for art too the other day(for the day when I’ve made my fortunes) -there’s some good stuff in that aboriginal art gallery chain they have at cquay and bondi junction and other places. I was already fantasizing about commissioning a work to suit my tastes and location exactly, lol.

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