There was further catching up today as Damo and I went to the Aroma Festival, briefly pausing for one of those great photographic moments you can experience in The Rocks. I mean, there’s nothing quite like having the Sydney Harbour Bridge or the Opera House in the background for a photograph is there? And there were plenty of opportunities for that, as we wandered around drinking coffee and enjoying delicious foods.

It was an odd start to the morning, though, as I’d spent about 15 minutes waiting for the bus to arrive at Surry Hills. Meanwhile, there were two older men (who looked like they could have been related) who had clearly spent the night drinking heavily. They were still drinking at the bus stop this morning as they carried on a very loud, angry, argument with each other about something or other. I’m not exactly sure about what they were discussing, as I’d donned my earphones and was leaning on the railing of the nearby ANZ Bank. Please don’t notice me, I thought to myself, I don’t want to get involved in your argument just by inadvertently looking over.

After about ten minutes or so, the 355 to Bondi Junction arrived, much to the relief of about half a dozen people similar to myself who were hoping to catch a bus, but not wanting to actually be anywhere near the bus stop. When the two men got up to catch the bus, I noticed a collective sigh of relief, although no one actually moved closer to the bus stop until we were sure they had the money for the bus, had bought their tickets, and the bus had moved away.

As I was close to arriving at Circular Quay, I gave Damo a call. “I’m in the queue, meet you here in five”, he told me. “I’m in the queue for Genovese Coffee, what would you like?”, he asked. Just a simple flat white, I replied.

Aroma Festival

And what a flat white it was… probably the best flat white I’ve had in quite some time. Far better than the coffees available at work, far better than those at the cafe around the corner, and far better than the one made for me most days by the surly-looking blonde guy.

We also tasted some chai (which I’d never had before), and feasted on some of those wonderful strawberries dipped in chocolate.

As the crowd thickened, we wandered back to Damo’s place for a very yummy-tasting lunch which consisted of homemade bread, homemade dolmades (made with spinach), homemade sweet potato gnocchi, and homemade lamb ragu. It was a terrific meal topped off with a bottle of Helm 2000 cabernet-merlot, as I recall, which was very tasty about half an hour after the bottle was opened. If I were to give Damo a restaurant review, I’d give him 7 thumbs and at least 1 hat.

After lunch, we thought of heading back to the festival for some chocolate and more coffee, but it was all a bit too crowded.

Feeling quite full and very rested, I came home, watched “Jesus Christ Superstar” and then had a brief afternoon nap.

And so now it’s Sunday night and the only immediate excitement ahead of me is tonight’s double eviction on “Big Brother” and some clothes washing for work this week.

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  1. Fantastic station James. I remember a time (57 years ago !) when as a night announcer at 2LM (& pre-recorded…

  2. I’m so glad you have patience and a sense of humour. And I get the invisibility thing. The older I…

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